BHI Throat
Homeopathic formula for the temporary relief of minor sore throat, throat scratchiness, throat irritations.
UPC: 787647100668
Hersteller ID: 785066
Hersteller Beschreibung: Health Products
Produktbeschreibung: BHI Throat
Homeopathic formula for the temporary relief of minor sore throat, throat scratchiness, throat irritations.
Titel: BHI Throat
Produkt-Inhaltsstoffe: Active Ingredients: Each tablet contains: Argentum nitricum 6X, **Arnica montana, radix 8X, **Arum triphyllum 4X, Calcarea carbonica 30X, **Carbo veg-etabilis 10X, Causticum 6X, **1-Iyosogamus niger 6X, **Paris quadrifolia 5X, **Phosphorus 10X, Verbascum thapsus 8X 30 mg each.
Inactive Ingredients: Lactose, Magnesium stearate
**Natural Ingredients
Warnung: *All product statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
BHI Throat
Homeopathic formula for the temporary relief of minor sore throat, throat scratchiness, throat irritations.