Produktbeschreibung: Botanically known as Larrea tridentata, the common chaparral plant can live up to 12,000 years! The fact this waxy-leaved bush can thrive in the harsh Arizona desert and dominate it's neighbors without being eaten or infected is testimonial to the potency of its chemical arsenal. The Native Americans of the Southwest long ago discovered this medical resource and used chaparral to treat everything from respiratory infections to arthritis.
To date, researchers have identified dozens of flavonoids in chaparral which act as cellular enhancers, as well as a powerful antioxidant called NDGA. Recently, researchers at Arizona State University discovered that chaparral demonstrates strong antiviral activity particularly on the Herpes family of viruses.
Chaparral may have an advantage over drug therapy for treatment of viruses by inhibiting the viral genes without damaging your living cells. Drugs work by interfering with the reproduction of viral DNA, but also inhibit synthesis of your own DNA, which suppresses your immune system. Chaparral seems to attack the virus and enforce the immune system with antioxidant flavinoids.
What is Chaparral?
Chaparral is a shrub that is indigenous to the southwestern United States and parts of Mexico. It is used to treat such conditions as arthritis, diarrhea, tuberculosis, colds, bronchitis, venereal disease and bowel cramps. One of the main active components of chaparral is nordihydroguaiaretic acid, or NDGA, which has antioxidant properties and has also been proposed to fight cancer. Chaparral contains lignans that give it healing and anti-aging properties as well. When applied to the skin, chaparral can have a positive effect on eczema, herpes, cold sores, psoriasis and contact dermatitis.
Chaparral's extremely bitter taste prevents animals from grazing upon it and it does not burn easily. It is regarded as one of the most adaptable of all the United States desert plants as it grows in depleted soil and can survive for long periods of time without rainfall. It was one of the first plants to grow back after the 1962 nuclear bomb test at Yucca Flats.
What is NDGA?
Chaparral contains an ingredient called nor-dihihydroguairetic (NDGA), a potent antitumor agent. The flavonoids present in chaparral have strong antiviral and antifungal properties.
NDGA is a powerful antioxidant that is widely used in the food industry as a preservative for lard and animal shortenings. Early studies had raised hopes that NDGA might prove to be an effective treatment for some forms of cancer when it was revealed that NDGA was able to inhibit the growth of some cancer cells in animal. In the Merck Manual, a highly regarded medical book, this chemical is listed as an anti-oxidant, and its therapeutic category is an anti-neoplastic. Broadly, an anti-neoplastic is defined as an agent that prevents the development, growth and proliferation of malignant cells.
Benefits of Chaparral
The Native Americans used chaparral to cure a variety of ailments from arthritis to the common cold. It is said to have analgesic, expectorant, as well as strong anti-inflammatory properties. Chaparral also has a high antioxidant content, which can protect against cell damage. It is also used for many skin disorders because of these same properties.
Titel: Chaparral 500mg